Poetry and creative writing

Location: AZ

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Poetry and creative writing: Poetry and creative writing

I welcome others to post their poetry and creative writings as well. And, your thoughts are always welcome.

Poetry and creative writing

Poetry and creative writing:

The following is an example of one of my poems that attempts to describe the painful process of my husband's passing:


I gather the fragments of my shattered life
Shades ranging from pale to deep blue
I trace my finger around the pieces 'til I see
The portrait of my life here with you

I arrange the pieces one by one
Into a picture that will make sense
Forming a mosaic of our wonderful life
A reflection of emotions intense

The crystalline pieces craft a pattern so bold
One of love, of hope and of tears
A mosaic of passion, ecstasy and joy
That we shared throughout the years

Our colorful past is our palette of life
Bright colors representing our glee
Pastels and soft colors speak of our bliss
And the love you bestowed upon me

The Pink is our love as it blossomed in Spring
The Purple's for passion we shared
And Yellow is the sunshine that filled our lives
Portraying how deeply we cared

Rose is for happiness we shared in life
The Orange for exquisite joy
Green is for envy by all who watched
As we flaunted our love like a toy

As the sun is eclipsed by angry clouds
The prophecy's not clear to me
The kaleidoscope of colors change once again
Predicting all that is NOT meant to be

The colors have darkened to a deeper shade
The Magenta's for you to get well
The Grey is for shock and also for fear
Red is anger at the bells final knell

The shadowy pieces tumble onto the floor
In a myriad of darkening hues
The black’s for bleak days when I am alone
As my heart overflows with deep blues

Our beautiful mosaic now lies at my feet
Of days gone too quickly by
An aura of tear drops form the image I see
A vision to make angels cry

© An original poem composed on January 7th , 2006 by R. P. M. in memory of her late husband.

Why write?

Though a winding path of emotions has driven me to this point, I have yet to fully understand the purpose of my work. Is it for my own personal healing or is it also meant to help others?

My pen has become my master and the paper is the messenger. The pain in my heart and the emptiness in my soul the facilitator.

Had I not lost my greatest love 7 months ago, would I have been so driven? I think not. But, throughout my period of grieving, there has been a subtle urging to express my pain. Thus, many hours have been consumed searching for the words to describe my pain, organizing my thoughts in a way that would make sense, then eventually scribing them into a form that rhymed.

And, so I became...a poet.

The abilitity to express my grief through poetry has provided me with that bridge between the material world and the world of spirit and creativity. It is my way of healing.

I would encourage anyone who has recently suffered a great loss to memorialize their loved one in a book of poetry, a manuscript or a simple paragraph or two.